Podcast: DNA of an AD (Chapter 2)

This episode focuses on Confident Leadership and developing the Mamba Mentality. Learn how confidence is born out of action and about the importance of borrowing belief.
Guests are Dr. John Krogstrand, Omaha Public Schools District Athletic Administrator, and Mike Winker, former Cedar Rapids Xavier AD and current University of Iowa Sport and Recreation Management Professor.
Hosted by Scott Garvis, C.M.A.A, the DNA of an AD Leadership Series identifies the 12 principles of highly effective AD's, offering tips & tools to help even the most seasoned AD continue to grow and thrive.
About Scott Garvis
Scott Garvis has been a leader and innovator in intercollegiate and interscholastic athletics development and fundraising for more than 25 years – as an athletics director, coach, association board member, adviser and editorial contributor.
Scott has a record of excellence as Athletics Director, Director of Activities and Assistant Principal, having led the athletics departments at six high schools or school districts in three states. He has achieved unparalleled success at all levels of high school athletics: large public school districts, a small public high school, a private school, and with state and national athletics administrator associations.
Scott Garvis C.M.A.A.
Email: Scott.Garvis@gobound.com
Web: https://scottgarvisconsulting.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PocketAD_Bound to Lead
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Email: hello@gobound.com
Series by Bound to Lead Produced by Bound Media